A Simple Way to Clear Built up Stress In Just 10 Minutes ....
Today as I sit here to write this blog it’s very obvious that our world and our focus over the last few weeks has had a radical shift …..We cannot help but pay attention to the numerous government warnings and of course our social media feeds will be pretty full of warnings and help both practical and factual and complete and utter nonsense …designed to set off your fight or flight response and perhaps make those who already feel uptight and overwhelmed like they cannot take another thing in …..
here is a very simple method for getting back into the flow of things ……
we’ve all heard that breathing is really important …I have so many friends and clients say to me …I know I breath badly and I should do something about it …but I don’t …….
now is a good time to start …..this is my favourite thing to do after a hard day or a difficult time ….
choose somewhere where you will not be disturbed for at least 10 minutes ….
play some music …I recommend something instrumental …maybe classical …..words tend to trigger us into thinking ….thinking has an automatic impact on the body …we want to relax ….
now….lie face down head turned to one side on a yoga mat …a rug or a duvet placed on a hard surface ….the hard surface is important …
once you are comfortable …. Set an intention …for your session …
eg …I choose to feel more peaceful…
or I choose to be more calm
set a timer for 10 minutes ….
next ….breathe in for a count of 4 and out for a count of 4 …….focus on breathing into your belly …
keep going for 10 minutes
enjoy ……
when you finish …take a moment or two to breath normally …..and to say a prayer or set an intention for yourself ….
enjoy the rest of your day ……
repeat as often as you like …….