Michele Murray

Michele Murray

Intuitive Healer & Coach


Are you stuck or struggling to find a way forward?

Would you like something more, something better? I can help you with a great variety of issues arising from fears, phobias and relationship stresses, as well as dealing with the fallout from limiting beliefs, old experiences and repeating patterns.


Hello, my name is Michele Murray and I’m here to help you!

I set out on a journey to find a way to remove my own blocks and my own limiting beliefs - and to achieve my goals. Today, I’m happy and whole… and now I’m able to share with you how I did it - and help you, too, to fulfil your dreams and achieve your goals.


“If you want change and forward movement in your life, book a healing session with this talented, loving woman NOW! Her ability to clear issues and ancestral lines is unparalleled - and all done in a loving, gentle way. She’s a diamond. The real deal.”

— Dana Childs, Intuitive Energy Healer
