Simple rituals to create more joy .....
It’s the perfect time right now to create subconscious patterns that could play out for the rest of your life…..I know it’s another scary thought to add to all the others about health, work, money, loved ones…To put it in perspective we are doing this all the time …every time we do something we know isn’t great for us …great for others …great for the planet …we are creating a pattern which eventually becomes hardwired as just who we are …it’s a pattern that runs automatically …..The good news is we are also creating good ones too…ones that are good for us …good for others ….good for the planet ….and here’s an opportunity to intentionally hardwire some good stuff into your system ….
With so much uncertainty being experienced by many people it’s time to create small pockets of time …dedicated to hardwiring some good stuff into our minds…our nervous systems could do with a break from all the scary stuff ……
Here’s my suggestion ….
get some post its or some sellotape and some pieces of paper …..
write the words …’.3 things I’m grateful for ‘…on it …
Also write on it ……’remember a memory that brought you joy’ …really take a few minutes now to remember it …imagine a small version of that happy you in every cell of your body..happy and content and smiling …if you have pain or tension …imagine millions of that happy you in there smiling and joyful
write on it ‘do 5 rounds of 4/7/8 breath ‘ on it … do this simple breath technique …inhale for a count of 4….hold breath for a count of 7….exhale for a count of 8 …..
Here’s the magic with this breath work …anytime your exhale is twice as long as your inhale…you are calming your body down …in times of stress we loose connection with the present moment …we shallow breathe …less oxygen is available for our body …not good for cell health at all….but when we hold for seven we are allowing more oxygen to be absorbed with every breath …good news for our whole body ….
wtite on your piece of paper “assess how you feel” …notice how you feeI in this moment …I feel good…I am healthy…I’m happy …
repeat every morning …and evening and at several intervals throughout the day …while on our current regimen …..let’s do this together …..will you join me?
Feel free to add to this list ….Place it all over your house /car/office …..Let’s create little moments of freedom …
place these on
bathroom mirror …
by your bedside
anywhere you want to practice this …
Love and Blessings M xx