This is your spirit

Inside of you is a ball of light
This is your spirit
It once filled your entire body but...
Over time you had experiences that...
Frightened and troubled you greatly
You had feelings you didn’t want to feel
Your spirit wants to come home fully to you
Will you open the door?
Will you open the door to your dreams ?
The ones you put on hold
Will you open the door to your true gifts , talents , and abilities
Will you follow the golden path in your heart?
Will you breath deep into your belly
And embody all of you ?
Will you let go of all the things they said you couldn’t do or be?
And will you dream again with me , your spirit
Will you reach for the stars and walk on the moon
Will you fly with the eagle and hunt with the cat
Will you stay up late and dance ...just because
Will you lay down your fears to follow your heart

It’s time to take the reins of life and dream a huge dream...
Place it in the sky of your life like a star
And follow your star wherever it may lead you .....relentlessly
Through all the hills and mountains
Sun and wind
To adventures far and wide
Until you meet yourself a year from now
Different and inspired
And a little bit wiser
A little bit older
And so very very very alive...bright ..vibrant ..shining...
With your spirit intact ...and your eyes bright and bold....

Anyone want to join me?write down your dream....write a letter to your spirit about what you wish to experience in the next year ...seal the envelope....mark it with the date a year from now...put it somewhere safe will open it a year from now the meantime ...

Every day write down six gratitudes or more ....
Every day write on some toilet paper the things that are getting in the way of your dreams ...the ones you are willing to be rid of ...flush them down the loo.....
Ask yourself how can I move closer to my dream...?
whats my next right step?
Every decision ...weigh it against your this taking me closer to my dream or further away? Choose wisely
Every night ...imagine your dream has already happened...feel how you feel...who are your friends...what are you doing ...enjoy the movie...repeat to yourself ..before you go to dreams are coming true ....three times ... enjoy the journey xxxx are you in ?❣️❣️❣️

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